Roberto Codorniz publica artigo na terceira edição da ”Recht & Steuern – Newsletter”

Brazilian Tax Reform: Domestic Law and Foreign Trade Challenges by: Roberto Codorniz Facing an economic crisis that started by the end of 2014 and, so far, without any evidence of a solid and consistent economic reaction, Brazil is going through a unique moment of its History by placing structural reforms at the top of its legislative agenda. After […]
Zilveti Advogados participa como apoiador do projeto AHK Startups Connected, da Câmara Brasil-Alemanha

Dando continuidade em seu apoio à iniciativa AHK Startups Connected, organizada pela Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Brasil-Alemanha, o Zilveti Advogados participou, no último dia 15 de Fevereiro, do primeiro Workshop de Engajamento e Reunião de Grupo, que contou com a presença de outros apoiadores, patrocinadores e startups participantes do projeto. Representando a equipe de Inovação […]
Tax consequences of the import of services by Brazilian entities from jurisdictions with double taxation treaties
To grow nowadays, a corporation must face the expansion of its business into many different countries as a multinational. As businesses around the world for multinational companies are more recurrent every year, several implications arise at every new country the multinational starts its business. Multinational companies often elect one jurisdiction to be responsible for the […]