Annual Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad 2017

We inform that the Central Bank of Brazil defined the period for submitting the statements of the Annual Census for Brazilian Capital Abroad regarding the fiscal year of 2016.

This declaration must be submitted by any individual or corporate entities residing, domiciled or seated in Brazil who holds assets and money overseas (such as deposits abroad, corporate and equity interest, real estate, etc.) which summed up an equal or higher amount of one hundred thousand US dollars (US$ 100,000.00) on the 31st of December, 2016. The declaration term commenced on February 15 and its deadline is at 6pm of April 05, 2017.

The submission of the declaration is electronically made, upon fulfilling of a proper form made available by BACEN. Any error or delay to provide the information shall be subject to penalties of up to two hundred and fifty thousand Brazilian reais (BRL 250,000.00) for the Brazilian company.

Therefore, if required we put our firm at your entire disposal to advise you on this matter. For further assistance please contact Fernando Zilveti (, Raphael Matos Valentim ( and Guilherme Novi (


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