Fernando Zilveti concede entrevista ao Correio Braziliense
O advogado Fernando Zilveti concedeu entrevista para o Jornal Correio Braziliense. Na reportagem, Zilveti faz uma análise sobre os planos de demissão voluntária (PDVs) e seus efeitos no atual governo Michel Temer. Para ler a matéria clique aqui!
Tax consequences of the import of services by Brazilian entities from jurisdictions with double taxation treaties
To grow nowadays, a corporation must face the expansion of its business into many different countries as a multinational. As businesses around the world for multinational companies are more recurrent every year, several implications arise at every new country the multinational starts its business. Multinational companies often elect one jurisdiction to be responsible for the […]
Snowballed issues and regulatory hurdles stall critical imports at Brazilian doorways
The already known lengthy bureaucracy undertaken by regulated imports in Brazilian ports and airports has been causing visible damages to the Brazilian market and population. An understaffed health surveillance agency (ANVISA), the usage of outdated systems and processes and recurrent strikes by tax authorities, as well as an overwhelming demand combined with inefficient infrastructure are […]
News: acquisition of rural land in Brazil by foreigners
The long story about the acquisition of Brazil’s rural land by foreign companies or their subsidiaries moves on to a new chapter this week with Minister Marco Aurélio’s Supreme Court ruling suspending the effects of the decision from the Comptroller-General of Justice of the State of São Paulo that allowed such kind of acquisition. To […]