Snowballed issues and regulatory hurdles stall critical imports at Brazilian doorways

The already known lengthy bureaucracy undertaken by regulated imports in Brazilian ports and airports has been causing visible damages to the Brazilian market and population. An understaffed health surveillance agency (ANVISA), the usage of outdated systems and processes and recurrent strikes by tax authorities, as well as an overwhelming demand combined with inefficient infrastructure are delaying the release of various health and food related products even further. Despite ANVISA’s assurances that various efforts are being taken to modernize and streamline the monitoring and surveillance of such products, the entire market is skeptical.

Such inconsistencies are also affecting urgent imported medication and health related products, which in many cases end up harming the ill and weakened. In most cases, companies who import health surveyed products such as drugs, medical devices, food and beverages are forced to file suits and mandamuses against the ANVISA or the tax authorities demanding the release of such imports at an acceptable rate. Brazilian law, after all, especially compels such authorities to act with a reasonable degree of efficiency, since the market and the general public are legally bound to submit to their rules and procedures.

In the end of the day, not a single import is graced by a smooth and quick approval by the Brazilian customs authorities, instead having to wait in massive bureaucratic queues that can take weeks. However, some imports are extremely important to the very survival of market players, companies and even customers, since the ANVISA surveys over vital medications, components and equipment. While legal action has been effectively hastening these derangements, it can be a costly and hazy solution.

Pharmaco-Chemical Task-Force Team


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