Annual census of foreign capital by the Central Bank of Brazil

We remind you that on July 1st, the deadline for submitting the necessary declarations for the 2021 Annual Census of Foreign Investments of the Central Bank for the base year of 2021 began. The deadline for submitting the declaration is 6:00 pm on August 15, 2022.

Update of PIS and COFINS credit balance

Numerous companies calculate PIS and COFINS under the non-cumulative system. Based on this system, such contributions are levied at a total rate of 9.25% and the legal entity is entitled to calculate credits to deduct from the amount to be paid.

Non-incidence of employer contribution on indemnified notice period, maternity salary, and on the first 15 days of sick leave.

An issue that sometimes goes unnoticed by the employer is the non-incidence of social security contribution (CPP) on payments during leave due to illness or accident (first 15 days), indemnified prior notice, and on maternity pay. In general, the reason why this point is generally not observed is due to the fact that it is not expressed in the legislation, the issue being defined by the Judiciary.

Employer Social Security Contribution (CPP) and the Internship Scholarship

It is not uncommon for companies to be fined by the tax authorities for collecting the employer’s social security contribution on the amounts paid as scholarships to interns. It turns out that such a contract does not represent an employment relationship and, therefore, should not be subject to tax incidence.